アルバム"Nasty Gal"収録。
"Betty Davis"は米国中西部の農場で養豚に従事する父のもとに生まれ、Bluesに囲まれて育ちました。12歳で最初の曲を書き16歳でNewYorkにでます。
そこで"Jimi Hendrix","Sly Stone"などに出会ったのです。
1967年"Uptown"を作曲しsoulバンドの"Chambers Brothers"に提供し収録したアルバムはヒットしましたが、その時点では彼女はモデルとして評価を得ていましたが、
「モデルは良く見せることだけに気を使い創造的じゃないからつまらない」と感じていたようです。そして1967年に"Miles Davis"に出会い結婚します。
生まれながらの名は"Betty Mabry"です。
Funk funk y'all funk Ow help me nigga now help me
I was born with it I will die with it
Because it's in my blood
And I can't I can't get enough so I so
I Danced to the music And a sang a simple song
was thankful and thooughtful
Sly Stone came along Cause he took me higher
And he made me see I had inner visions of a young man named Stevie Stevie Wonder
Tina Turner Al Green y'all Ann Peebles They were born with it
And they're gonna aah they're gonna leave here With it because it's in their blood
And that's why I want you to help me nigga now help me
Barry White Larry Graham does it right
Isaac Hayes y'all The O'Jays singin Some people got to have it
Some people really need it
Some people will do anything For the love for the love of that stuff called money now
I'm gonna tell ya about a man He had a lot of feelin in his hands
And his name was Jimi Hendrix y'all
Jimi Hendrix was his name
He could make that guitar walk
He could make that guitar talk now
He could make that guitar sing Jimi yes he could make it do anything anything
He used to say Foxy Lady
He used to say ahh Betty Betty I'm gonna getcha now ow
Aretha Franklin can't she sing it
I said Chaka Khan don't she swing it
The Funkadelics can't they do it
And when you hear Skin Tight you wanna get into it
Funk funk y'all
Funk funk y'all